Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder . March 2013 . Vol 14 . No. 3

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Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder

Review By Howad Berenbon

If you’re a serious blackjack player, or even new to the game, then you should consider Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder published by Cardoza Publishing. This book offers a complete course tailored at winning at 21.  You’ll find 21 chapters starting with the basics, to advanced strategies.  You’ll start by earning your White Belt—with the basics.  Then move on to more advanced blackjack techniques to gain your Green Belt.  Finally, on through section three to earn your Black Belt—starts with information on Team Play.  Now you should qualify as an expert, and gain the benefits. 

This is a hefty 328 page book covering everything blackjack from A to Z with lots of expert advice and some secrets about the game that the casino doesn’t want you to know. I found at least five chapters covering counting methods including True Count, Red Seven Count, The Hi-Lo LiteCard  and the Zen Count and the Zen Playing Strategy. Arnold also offers10 rules to cut casino edge to 1%. So much is covered, that this may be the only book you’ll need to get ahead at casino blackjack. This book is well written and easy to read, and most importantly, easy to understand with lots of examples; and includes some of topics you wouldn’t expect.  One chapter covers Card Counting and the Law with the first section entitled, “Is it Legal to Think in Casinos?” Another section warns you about buying phony systems advertised in glossy magazines found in casino gift shops or your hotel room. The book sells for $13.22. Click for more information or to order.

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